THE TRIAL CLUB by Classic Events
Where you make friends for life!
At Classic Events we believe that classic motoring is more than Classic Rallying.
We try to cater all sorts of needs with the different events we organise from a very sociable Beach to Bridge Liberation Rally to the very competative Winter Trial and from Paris to Amsterdam in a pre-war car.
In all our events we do not lose sight of the highly sociable character of classic motoring and we therefor alway’s find you the best hotels on route, keep the daily driving distances at an acceptable lenght, alway’s make sure we arrange a private check in the hotel without the waiting lines and make sure the bar personell is ready for you at the end of the day.
What is the Trial Club
Under the umbrella of Trial Club we will organize all our events. We aim to achieve a clublike community by organizing specific events for our club members like driver training courses, Factory tours at our partners, Ice driving, navigation courses etc., aswell as giving members early notices to new events and earlybird rates to match. All this will be brought to you through our Trial Club news letters.
As a participant to one of events, you will become a member for the year in which the event takes place and thus you will profit from our offers in that year.
In the future, we hope to be able to do more for you in the form of member discounts against payed membership but that is all in the future.
For now, we are glad to have made the first step and we will develop the Trial Club further.
We will keep you informed!
